Many people love the beach because of the soft white sand, the sounds of the waves, and the scenic views it provides. However, you can also have a blast with the water by participating in a wide range of water sports, such as snorkeling, jet-ski racing, or deep-sea diving. Beach activities also help you stay fit and active! In fact, there are even a number of competitions held on the beach for people to win prizes.
A beach is a landform that forms a cliff or ridge that slopes gently towards a body of water. The cliffs that make up the sand are called ‘beach berms,’ and they are a result of the abrasion, wave action, and sediment composition of the shoreline. Several distinct types of beaches exist, each with a different profile. In temperate climates, beaches consist primarily of quartz and feldspar, with only a minor proportion of other heavy minerals. In tropical areas, the sands are comprised of sedimentary debris, such as clam shells, and are referred to as ‘beach sands’.
The concept of a beach originated in ancient Greece, where people gathered to bathe during the hot summer months. By the end of the nineteenth century, the British Empire and the United States began to commercialize the sea and beaches. As a result, the beach became a center for frivolity and upper-class pleasure. In addition, the new romantic ideal of a scenic landscape spawned a new trend that helped promote the beach. In the early 20th century, the British king and queen began patronizing beaches on the Isle of Wight and Ramsgate in Kent. These developments made seaside living fashionable.
Sand is a mixture of different kinds of minerals and rocks that are broken up by the tides and waves. Some of these minerals are formed from igneous and metamorphic rocks. The sand that forms beaches is often dark brown, but can be red or purple depending on the area. Some beaches are even named after the animals that live there. If you are interested in learning more about the history of sand formation, check out this article!
Sand, shells, and other sea life can be found on the beach. Sea birds and crabs feed on the debris left by waves. Sea turtles lay their eggs on ocean beaches. In addition, sea grasses grow on areas where little activity occurs. In general, though, you can find a variety of animals, especially sea turtles. And, unlike with land, beach materials are subject to constant change. The best way to protect your beach is to learn about it!
The sand on a beach is created by two processes: longshore drift and storms. The waves wash the sand up the beach and move it south. The resulting sand is a mixture of different types of sediments. On the coasts of the United States, the net movement of sand is southward. Most big waves in North America come from the North Pacific or the North Atlantic. In the middle of the ocean, these waves have a much more extreme effect, and the sand is often covered in rocks.