Beach homes are typically constructed on a private beach within a serene, private cove or the ocean. Most beach houses are designed with a view in mind, and you can find all sorts of unique beach house accessories to add to the comfort and charm of your beach home. Although many people spend time relaxing in their beach homes, many more people enjoy the beach on an everyday basis. The warm weather, gentle breezes, and abundant water activities make for a wonderful getaway from the routine, but many people do not realize how much the beach and its surroundings can benefit their personal health and well-being. Here are a few items to keep in mind as you relax in your beach home:
Coastal Cleaning A key element of a healthy life style is a consistent cleansing of the body and environment. A regular beach cleanup routine will aid in preventing harmful algal bloom. A large number of algae-related illnesses occur each year from coast to coast. Algae blooms are often triggered by waves and high tides that coincide with unusually high temperatures. Therefore, a beach closure system that works to reduce waves and tides in the area, as well as the use of a dehumidifier or efficient ventilation system will help prevent harmful algae growth.
Coastal Dredging is a method of controlling beach pollution caused by erosion, sand, and waves. Coastal erosion and beach pollution can destroy the fragile beach infrastructure leading to erosion, and increase environmental risks. Seawater can enter coastal dunes through cracks in the sand, and once it enters, it hardens into mud, rocks, wood, and other debris. Sand and waves can also erode soft soil, creating beach pollution such as lagoons filled with harmful algal bloom. Coastal dredging is a preventative method of controlling these issues, and reduces environmental pollution to a minimum.
Erosion Can occur when high tides erode the sandy soil close to the shore causing it to lose its structural integrity. This can result in extensive damage to infrastructure, beach homes, and cause flooding. Low tides may cause mudslides and further erosion, as well as beach slipping and falling. The best way to minimize beach erosion is to not place unnecessary beds of sand anywhere near the beach.
Beach Traffic Beds are a great alternative to erosion and beach pollution caused by waves and weather conditions. These low rise elevated beds of sand prevent erosion and beach damage by providing a buffer of protection against waves and erosion. They can also be used in surfacing, and to protect sensitive infrastructures, such as power lines, telecommunications towers, and public utilities. These raised beds of sand can also act as piers, providing a breakwater and surfacing system for surfers. These bed edging systems are commonly placed near beaches that experience high tides, providing an additional barrier to erosion.
Soft Rock Beds are typically made out of native hardwood, but can also be created out of soft igneous rocks. Soft Rock beds are commonly located near bays, as soft igneous rocks are a natural barrier to erosion. These beds of soft rock have the highest R values, and act as the most effective in retaining and protecting the shoreline.