Swimming is a form of exercise that involves the body’s entire circulatory system and works different muscle groups. It’s also a great way to stay fit, especially for children. However, it’s important to be careful. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced swimmer, it’s important to maintain proper form. If you’re experiencing difficulty with form, you may want to consider taking lessons with a personal trainer.
Swimming is also a great form of exercise for those who are physically handicapped. Since swimming reduces stress on the joints, it can help those with arthritic conditions, or those who are just trying to build muscle mass. Moreover, it’s a low-impact activity that doesn’t affect the joints as much as running does.
Swimming is a sport that has been practiced in civilizations around the world since at least the 1st century bce. Ancient Egyptian artifacts have been found with evidence of swimming, and early Romans extolled the benefits of this sport. The ancient Greeks and Persians also wrote about it.
Some of the most common swimming strokes are backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and freestyle. These strokes are used in a variety of races, and it’s important to know how to swim them well. Backstroke is a backward circular motion that starts with the little finger entering the water first. Breaststroke is a forward swiping action that begins with the arm reaching in front of the head. Freestyle is a fast swimming stroke that involves the swimmer putting one foot in front of the other.
In the past, swimming competitions were primarily held in the sea. However, in the 1880s, pools were introduced to the sports. A national swimming federation was formed in several European countries from 1882 to 1889.
During World Wars I and II, swimming instruction programs were a major contributor to the growth of swimming as a sport. They were taught by community organizations and were under the auspices of the American Red Cross. Eventually, these programs were copied in the rest of Europe. Afterwards, the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) was established in the United States in 1888, followed by the Federation Internationale de Natation Amateur (FINA) in 1909.
While there are many kinds of swimming events, the most popular is open water swimming. The Olympic program includes a 10 km event, and other open water competitions include a 5 km event. There are also short-course competitions such as a 100-meter IM for younger swimmers.
For people who are new to swimming, they can start with strength training. This can be done by using assisted pull-ups, deadlifts of bodyweight, or unassisted pull-ups. You should also stretch before you engage in any rigorous movements.
To ensure a safe swim, it’s important to obey all rules. Especially in the beginning, avoid actions that could interfere with other swimmers. Be sure to swim in a pool that’s equipped with lifeguards. Lastly, be aware that your skin can be sensitive to chlorine in the pool, so be sure to swim in a designated swimming area.