Beaches are a type of landform that forms along the shoreline of several bodies of water including lakes, seas and oceans. They are generally made up of particles like sand, gravel, pebbles, cobblestones or rock that have been eroded away by waves.
Beach Animals and Plants
There are many different kinds of animals that live on beaches. The most common are birds and sea turtles. They use the beach to nest, lay their eggs and feed. They also help clean the beach of sand and rocks. Some beaches have sand grasses and other plants that grow on the sand and dunes.
These plants help keep the sand clean and prevent worms, algae and other organisms from growing in the sand. Other plants and animals help protect the beach from storms and tides.
The sand on the beach can be a variety of colors depending on what kind of sand has been washed into the beach. Some beaches have sand that is very dark while others have sand that is light colored.
Most beaches get their sand from rocks that have been eroded by rain, ice, wind, or heat and sun over time. The sand is then eaten by crabs, insects, and other small animals. The sand can be found in large rocks, or it can be found in smaller pieces, which are sometimes called sand grains.
Beaches are one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world and have been a part of society for thousands of years. They are an important recreational resource and help mitigate climate change by helping to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is emitted into the atmosphere.
Some beaches are very polluted and can be dangerous to swim in. This can be because of the chemicals and waste that is blown in from the sea and drain pipes in the inland area. This can be very harmful to human health, especially if it is not cleaned up quickly.
Another important issue is the amount of sewage that is washed into the ocean. This can be a danger to swimmers and people in boats. Some beaches are even closed due to the hazardous chemicals and sewage that are washed up on them.
A sandbar is a ridge of sand that is formed by the action of waves or currents on a beach. These bars are usually exposed at low tide.
They can be located at the mouth of a bay, or they can be at the end of an ocean beach. They are often exposed in the summer, when people want to go swimming or surfing.
These sandbars can be dangerous because they can cause swimmers to fall into the water. They can also cause surfers to bump into each other and lose control of their surfboards.
Sandbars can be found anywhere in the ocean, but they are most common in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Some sandbars are very long and can be hundreds of kilometers long.