Many people are hesitant to take up swimming, but the truth is that learning how to swim can help you lead a longer, healthier life. It is a great way to reduce stress, improve cardiovascular health, and develop a greater range of physical skills. Plus, you can make friends and enjoy the fun of group activities with others who share your passion for the water.
But to achieve your goal of becoming a great swimmer, you must develop a technique that is efficient and effective. In order to achieve that, you need to create as little drag as possible. Great swimmers are able to slip through the water, moving in a straight line without any up-and-down motions or side-to-side movements that create resistance.
When you watch two great swimmers side by side, they are able to glide through the water with very little friction. They have developed a stroke that allows them to use their big muscles in a very efficient way. They also avoid any unnecessary movements that will slow them down, such as using too much energy to kick.
One of the most important things you can do when you swim is to keep your head in a neutral position above the surface of the water. Keeping your head in this position will prevent you from having to lift it up when you breathe, which can cause your hips and legs to sink down. This will cause you to lose some of your speed and efficiency.
Another thing that great swimmers do is to rotate their shoulders and hips in unison as they move through the water. This is an essential piece of freestyle swimming technique that will allow you to glide through the water and increase your speed and distance. One common mistake that beginners make is to tilt their hips and heads too far inward, which will cause them to sink down.
Finally, great swimmers have a rhythm to their breathing that matches their strokes. While you can breathe at any time during the freestyle stroke, a good practice is to try to breathe every other stroke.
In addition to these tips, you should also learn a few basic swimming etiquette rules that will help ensure that everyone in the pool has a great time. For example, if someone approaches you as you are about to leave the water on an interval, you should let them pass by before starting your interval again.
Other swimming etiquette rules to remember include respecting the space of your lanemates. This is especially important if you are swimming in an environment with lane lines, which are round perforated plastic disks held in place by wire anchored at each end of the pool. This system helps to keep swimmers in their lanes and reduces the risk of collisions between swimmers. It is best to ask a coach or facility staff for guidance on these rules before you swim. This way, you will be a positive influence on other swimmers and help them get the most out of their swimming experience.