How Does Love Work?
Love happens to everyone at some point in their lives. Love is one of the most important things in a person’s life. When love happens to you, it is special and that makes it all the more beautiful. You cannot change love but you can learn how to give love to someone.
Romantic love develops over time during adolescence. Teenagers all around the world note different, intense romantic feelings of attraction with someone they consider a significant other. Even in countries where public expression or recognition is not allowed, they are still there.
It is a natural part of developing emotionally mature, romantic feelings and attachments to another person. These feelings may be displayed in various ways and in varying degrees depending on various situations. The closeness that develops can take the form of platonic or romantic love, friendship, an intimate relationship, a casual relationship, a serious relationship or a lifelong attachment. What matters is that these intense, emotional feelings are there. They can be felt by anyone and can be manifested in various forms of behaviour, actions and emotions.
Some of these behaviours are quite obvious. They include the desire to be with one person and the excitement of being involved with them in any way. But, the feelings that develop in different ways are also very powerful. They are the seeds of true love and they are what make it grow.
In order to understand the process of love, it is important to look at how this attraction works. People develop love-based feelings when they are able to experience closeness with another person. The experience of closeness with another person is dependent on the ability of both people to create intimacy in a deep, profound way. When this is achieved, then these two people can begin to share their deepest thoughts, dreams, aspirations, fears. When this sharing begins then the seeds of love begin to blossom and these seeds are transformed into the various feelings and emotions that are associated with love.
Love can be a highly fulfilling and meaningful relationship if both parties can trust and accept this attraction and closeness. When this trust and intimacy are fully developed then the person who was able to experience the closeness will experience strong self-confidence and a feeling of personal freedom. These are attributes that lead to the success of any type of relationship. When the love-based feelings are fully developed and the self-confidence grows then love will naturally start to blossom within the two people who are involved.