Love is a complex emotion that can be difficult to define. It is an abstract concept that has been explored by scientists, philosophers, poets and novelists. Despite its elusiveness, it is one of the most powerful emotions that we can feel. It can be compared to other emotions like fear, anger, anxiety and happiness, as it has the potential to transform us in different ways. However, unlike other emotions, love can be regulated through the actions and behaviors that we display and the way we think about the person with whom we are in a relationship.
The most common definition of love describes it as a feeling of intense affection and devotion for another person or object. This can range from a romantic attachment to a love of music or a pet. In addition, it can be an emotional state that includes feelings of euphoria and self-sacrifice. It can also involve an intense desire to spend time with the person that you love.
According to the Urban Dictionary, which is a lexicon of slang or cultural words that are not typically found in English dictionaries, “love” can also be defined as giving someone the power to destroy you and trusting them not to.” This is similar to the concept of power sharing and power balance in relationships. While the power of love can be dangerous, it can also be empowering if you are willing to give it a chance and let it work for you.
Romantic love is the most commonly referred to type of love in popular culture, with songs and movies often focusing on it. However, there are many other types of love that exist as well. For example, a friend may be a source of support and affection, while the relationship between a parent and child is one of commitment and responsibility.
Biological models of love tend to view it as a mammalian attachment drive that is driven by hormones and neurotransmitters. Specifically, it is thought to be motivated by the same impulses that cause infants to become attached to their parents. These include the release of oxytocin and other ‘cuddle hormones’, which make you want to cuddle, and pheromones, which can increase your desire for a partner.
Psychologists have also studied the nature of love, defining it as an altruistic and narcissistic bond that involves caring for another person and a desire to be close to them. The author Scott Peck argues that true love is a combination of altruistic concern for the spiritual growth of the other and narcissistic desire to be with them. This article was originally published on The Conversation AU and is republished here with permission from the author. Deakin University provides funding as a member of The Conversation AU.