When it comes to love, there are many opinions. Some say it’s a feeling, while others believe it’s a choice. Still others think that it’s a combination of different emotions and feelings. Whatever your belief, it’s clear that this powerful emotion affects all of us in various ways.
While the topic of love has been a subject of philosophers, poets and songwriters for centuries, scientists are now beginning to understand it more clearly. Thanks to advances in brain imaging technology, they’re able to see what happens in the brain when we experience this powerful feeling. What they’re finding is that love is a complex phenomenon that involves lust, attraction and attachment.
There are also a variety of definitions of love. Some view it as a feeling of deep affection, while others believe that it’s a choice to sacrifice oneself for another. And some even see it as a spiritual bond. The question of whether or not love is a feeling or a choice is important because it dictates how much control we have over the relationship. If we understand love as a feeling, for example, then it’s easy to let it fade away if the feelings disappear or are put on hold by something like a move or misunderstanding. But, if we understand love as a practice, then it’s possible to sustain and grow the bond by enacting loving values and standards like empathy, vulnerability, respect and honesty.
Some scientists believe that love is a biological process involving lust, attraction and attachment, while others argue that it’s a complex mix of different emotions and feelings. Still, most agree that love is a powerful force that drives us to act and think differently about ourselves and the world around us.
When we fall in love, our hearts flutter, our breath quickens and our palms sweat. This is due to the release of hormones like dopamine and oxytocin, which are released when we feel a sense of connection with another person. Oxytocin is also produced during sex, childbirth and breastfeeding, and helps to promote bonding and emotional connections.
In addition to these physical symptoms, other signs of falling in love include a desire to spend time with this person and the hope that this relationship will last forever. A person who is in love may also begin to look at the world with new eyes and be willing to try activities that they wouldn’t normally do — such as riding roller coasters or tasting foods they’ve never enjoyed before.
Some experts believe that there are two kinds of love: romantic and agape. Agape love is based on selflessness and compassion. It’s the kind of love that a parent feels for their children, or the love that a friend has for a difficult person who they know needs help moving toward healthier patterns of behavior. This type of love is a conscious choice that requires selflessness, sacrifice and a willingness to protect the other person.