Swimming – Physical, Emotional and Mental Health Benefits Swimming is a common individual or group sports that makes use of all the body’s muscles to proceed through the water with the use of lungs. The sport also involves a lot of strategic thinking and proper breathing techniques. The whole game is completed within a swimming…
Coastal erosion – A Beach Notebook
Coastal erosion – A Beach Notebook A beach cottage in the woods? Maybe you’re a nature lover who loves to get out into the natural beauty of nature each day. Is a beautiful ocean view or deep blue ocean water just what you need to relax and feel at ease? Whatever your pleasure, a beach…
Swimming Pool Competitions for Women of All Ages
Swimming Pool Competitions for Women of All Ages Swimming is a popular individual or group voluntary sport that involves the employment of one’s body in order to pass through water successfully. The sport usually takes place in shallow pools or open waters. The competition in swimming is on a heats between two teams of individuals….
Understanding Beach Sand
Understanding Beach Sand A beach is basically a gently sloping, narrow strip of sandy land that borders the edge of a body of water, river, or lake. Sand is usually the main constituent of beaches. Most beaches contain natural objects like pebbles, stones, and shells which are the result of gradual weathering and eroding over…
Why Some Relationships Don’t Last
People often mistake love and lust for one another. However, love simply means to really be deeply attached and deeply connected with something or someone. The purest form of love is always to feel emotionally attached to someone or something else. It’s a strong bond that two individuals share with each other. If you want…
Swimming – Your Health On The Go
Swimming is a common person’s or group sports that involves the utilization of one’s body extensively. The game takes place either in open water or swimming pools. If one is new to swimming, it is advisable to learn to swim at a swimming camp where they can get proper coaching and guidance on swimming. At…
Beach Management and Erosion Prevention
Beach Management and Erosion Prevention Beach is a relatively short term for a stretch of land that includes water. Beaches normally range greatly in length from several hundred meters to a few kilometers. Some have small rocky beaches, while other are hundreds of kilometers wide. Some have soft, gradual waves, while other are abrupt and…
Love Languages – Is Your Relationship Getting The Love It Deserves?
Love, more often than not, is the feeling that we have for another person. It is that special and pure feeling that comes from within when we are in love. Love encompasses a whole range of positive and strong psychological and emotional states, from the strongest personal trait or good practice, the most intense interpersonal…
Learning the Basics of Swimming
Swimming is a person or group swimming sport that makes use of one’s body in order to proceed through water rapidly. The game usually takes place in shallow water or recreational pools. A beginner can learn to swim in about ten minutes. For swimmers, it is important to warm up and cool down properly before…
What Makes a Good Beach?
What Makes a Good Beach? A beach is usually a gently sloped, sandy strip of land that borders a body of water, lake, or ocean. Sand is used to cover the beach. Beach materials like pebbles, stones, sand, and shells cover irregularly shaped beaches. Most natural beach materials formed by weathering and erosion over time…