Love is a group of complex emotions and behaviors characterized mostly by intense intimacy, passion, commitment, and emotional caring. It typically involves deep caring, closeness, security, attraction, unconditional affection, and respect. However, love can vary greatly in intensity and may vary widely throughout time. People respond to love in different ways, some respond to love more intensely than others, while others are much more passive or apathetic about love.
Love is often described as a powerful force that moves a person and can compel them to act, feel, and react in positive ways. It is the feeling behind the words “I love you,” or “You love me.” Although there are a variety of types of relationships, one of the most common is the romantic relationship. The following are some of the more common characteristics of romantic relationships and how they relate to well-being.
Romance is often defined by infatuation, a need for security, desire, sexual attraction, and an emotional need. Intimacy is an essential component of a romantic relationship. While some may be content with sharing physical intimacy at first, romance often progresses to desire, dependence, love, and eventually infatuation. According to Richard F. Chasamoff and Lawrence C.activity, “In romantic relationships, the pursuit of agape (unconditional love) leads to the achievement and maintenance of interpersonal harmony, personal fulfillment, psychological enhancement, and interpersonal relationships.”
True love is defined as a deeper relationship of two people. The feeling of true love is not dependent on any external circumstances. This type of relationship is one of unconditional love. Insecure or troubled people often turn to the self to find answers for their questions. Instead of looking for love from others, they may turn to social media to find true love.
Unconditional love include the feeling of being loved, the idea that love makes a person whole, feeling as if someone doesn’t need to defend you, the idea that our physical needs are not important to the point of being painful, and being open to receiving communication from another human being in love. Healthy relationships don’t depend on the other person’s needs. Healthy relationships provide the opportunity for two people to experience the feelings of connectedness and belonging that healthy love includes. People in a healthy relationship are not focused on what someone else needs, but rather what they need.
It’s easy for many people to fall into the trap of using other people to fill the feeling of romantic love. However, this type of behavior often leads to a sense of emotional emptiness that causes one to feel undesirable. In addition, it can cause one to feel empty and desperate for affection. Instead of filling other people’s feelings, a better way to feel love is by connecting with yourself. In fact, the goal should be to connect with as many people as possible and to be their friend.